








(2017·长沙四校高考模拟)It was a sunny day today but I went to Xishan Park for a spring outing.The moment when I entered the park,a variety of beautiful flowers and green trees came into sight.Attracting by the beauty,I couldn't help taking photos.As I wandered along the path,enjoying the beautiful view,I noticed anything unpleasant.Two schoolgirls jumped over the fence to pick flowers.Obviously they didn't realize that their behavior has done great damage to beauty of the park.Without hesitation,I went up and stopped her politely.Feeling quite embarrassed the two girls came out immediate.Then they took pictures inside the fence.Seeing that,I smiled and everything looked nicer in my eye.


It was a sunny day today I went to Xishan Park for a spring outing.The moment I entered the park,a variety of beautiful flowers and green trees came into sight. by the beauty,I couldn't help taking photos.As I wandered along the path,enjoying the beautiful view,I noticed unpleasant.Two schoolgirls jumped over the fence to pick flowers.Obviously they didn't realize that their behavior done great damage to the(∧) beauty of the park.Without hesitation,I went up and stopped politely.Feeling quite embarrassed the two girls came out .Then they took pictures the fence.Seeing that,I smiled and everything looked nicer in my .