《The apples are falling down the stairs》教学设计免费下载
《The apples are falling down the stairs》教学设计免费下载第1页

课题Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs


  1. 知识目标:掌握单词stairs, mess以及句子:The apples are falling down the stairs. Can he help? Yes, he can. No, he can't.

  2. 技能目标:能运用现在进行时态描述正在发生的事情,能使用can谈论能力和向他人提供帮助。

3. 情感目标:培养学生关心他人、助人为乐的品质。

教学重点:能口头运用The apples are falling down the stairs.说明正在发生的事。

教学难点:单词stairs, mess的听、说、读、写。



Step1. Warming up


  T: Who can help me? Ss: I can. 在部分学生帮助老师的过程中,教师就正在发生的情景询问其余的学生。T: What are they doing? Ss: They are ... .教师板书pick up,引导学生说出They are picking up the exercise-books.

【设计意图】创设真实情景,激发学习兴趣,引导学生使用英语与教师进行交流,询问学生What are they doing?有意识的加强学生对现在进行时的运用。

Step2. Presentation

  1. 教学单词stairs、mess教师呈现课文第一部分挂图。T: Look at the picture. Why is the girl crying? What's happening? S1: The apples are falling.教师手拿苹果,在挂图上演示出苹果从楼梯滑落的动作:T: The apple is falling down the stairs.教师手指楼梯领读stairs。教师把苹果放在课桌上,不小心碰到了桌子,苹果从桌子上掉下来,T: The apple is falling down the desk.

从而使学生更好的理解:falling down 这个短语。T: What's happening to the cola? S2: The cola if falling. T: And the eggs? S3: The eggs are broken.[ T: Yes. The apples are falling down the stairs. The cola is falling. And the eggs are broken. What a mess! 教师指着混乱的景象领读mess。教师指楼梯和混乱的景象,让学生迅速说出单词。T:Point to stairs. Ss: Stairs.