免费下载教学《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教学设计教案
免费下载教学《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教学设计教案第1页



1. 在热身环节通过提问"Do you feel happy?"来引入本课内容。

2. 在课文教学环节通过提问"Who feel happy?"" Why do they feel unhappy? What happened?"和"How do they feel?"来层层推进课文教学。学生通过回来这些问题来逐步了解课文内容。掌握本课重点知识。

3. 在课后操练环节在学生看图过后通过提问"How does he/ she feel?"和"What happened?"来激活学生思维。在复习本课教授知识同时激活学生思维,让学生用自己的话来描述心情。


英语第五册M9U2 I Feel Happy

I. Teaching objectives:

 1. Ss can use "I feel happy/ sad/ tired/ angry/ bored/ hungry." to express their feelings

 2. Ss can use "Do you feel ...?" to ask about other's feelings.

II. Teaching contents: I feel ...; Do you feel ...?; bored; tired; angry; sad; hungry; thirsty; feelings.

III. Important and difficult points:

1. How to express one's feelings and ask about others feelings.

2. Talk about the reason of how the feeling comes from.

IV. Teaching procedure:

1. Greetings.

2. Warm up.

1) Ss sing the song "If you are happy together".

2) T: Do you feel happy? Ss:...

T: And I feel happy too. Today, we are going to learn a new unit.

(Ss read the article together.)

3. Text book learning.

1) T: (Show pictures) Let's have a look. Do they all feel happy? (Ss: No.)

Does he/ she feel happy? Who feel happy? ( Ss find the picture.) Why?

2) (Ss listen and find the answer.) [ win→won]

3) T: (Point to the other pictures.) So, they don't feel happy. Why? What happened? Let's listen and find. ( blank filling.)

Note: a. grandfather

(Where? ) on the farm (→farmer)

( How long?) all day: from morning to afternoon.

b. [ lost→lose]

c. smell: we use nose to smell.

( T ask some students to smell fruit.)

T: What can you smell? Ss: I can smell ...

4) T: So, how do they feel? ( Ss listen, repeat and say.) [tired→fireman]

5) Ss read it together.

T ask Ss to act the textbook out.