2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 5 First aid Period3Learning about language教案(9页word版)
2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 5 First aid Period3Learning about language教案(9页word版)第1页

2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 5 First aid Period3Learning about language教案


In this period students will be warming up by discovering useful words and expressions. Then they shall be reading and thinking, dealing with Ex. 1, 2 and 3 on page 37and going over the ready used materials for Ellipsis. The class is to end by students doing exercises.


■ To help students learn about Ellipsis

■ To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions

■ To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures


1. Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Turn to page 36 and do Ex. 1 and 2 first. Check your answers with your classmates'.

2. Reading and thinking

Turn to page 34 and read the text of FIRST AID FOR BURNS. As you read on, pay attention to the ellipsis of sentence.

For reference:

You can get burned by hot liquids and steam. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two.