
Step 4 Read the passage again, and check the true statements.

1. Li Ning won six medals at the Los Angles Olympics.

2. He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.

3. He got a new job working for Nike sportswear.

4. He chose the name of this sportswear company carefully.

5. Six Li Ning products are sold every minute.

6. Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy.

7. In 1991 he opened a school with Pele and Muhammad Ali.

8. He wants to help children become good at sport.

The key: True:1/2/4/5/8

Wrong: 3/6/7

Step 5 Work in pairs and discuss the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1 the success of Li Ning in his sports.

Para 2 the reason why Li Ning started a sportswear company.

Para 3 the advantages of the Li Ning's product.

Para 4 the success Li Ning achieved in his business.

Para 5 Li Ning's Dream.

Step 6 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1) Why did Li Ning start a sportswear company?

Because he didn't forget his sporting background and wanted to compete with global giants like Nike and Adidas.

2) Why has he been successful?

Because his sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time, and Li Ning's designs were attractive but comparatively cheaper.

Step 7 Find words or phrases in the passage which mean.

1. a prize you can win at a sports competition

2. having a strong wish to do something.

3. to introduce (into the market)

4. the name of a product made by a specific company.

sports clothes.