2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修七教案::Module 1《Basketball -Reading and Writing》教案新
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修七教案::Module 1《Basketball -Reading and Writing》教案新第3页

Why is it said that basketball is a safe sports?

the players' energy is partly directed upwards, at a 90-degree angle to the ground, and over the heads of the others. So this is less risk of a collision between two players.

Reading Practice---4. Language focus

2. In baseball and American football, the players' energy moves ___________ to the ground and towards their _____________, so they wear _______ which give _________________ to their heads.




adequate protection

3. Basketball players wear ______________ which are _________ designed to _________ energy when they ________ into the air , they wear no other protection, just ________________.

socks and sneakers




a vest and shorts

If there is ________________ of direction in their energy, from ___________ to ___________, such as when they _________ across the court, _________ the ball, there is a real danger of personal injury.

an abrupt change





Semantic map of the first 3 paragraphs

Reading Practice---5. Detailed Reading

Do activity 2, 3, and 4 in your textbook.

Key to activity 2 : D

Key to activity 3 : C

Key to activity 4 : ACCB

Reading Practice---6. Language focus

at the interval

Whereas everyone else was tall and slim with short haircut, Joe was short and stout, with long hair and a large belly.

make a circuit of the court

make a controversial pass

commit a foul

a suspension of play

shot the penalty

There were three minutes to go.

9. take possession of

10. ...howl loudly in pain, with his nose bleeding and a cut on his left cheek.