免费下载五年级下册外研版英语《Module7 Unit1》教案教学设计
免费下载五年级下册外研版英语《Module7 Unit1》教案教学设计第2页

 (3) Review: (复习职业类单词,老师准备小袋子,袋子里放着关于职业的道具,分别有粉笔、手枪、听诊器、注射器、玩具小汽车、安全帽,学生通过触摸袋子里的道具来猜职业)

T:Look at here, children. There are lots of bags, please touch the thing in the bag and then guess "what does she or he do?"

2. Lead in and learn new words

(1)创设情境及运用单词卡片依次教授学习生词(worker, factory, evening, late, early, taxi)通过上一个猜职业的游戏,学生触摸到安全帽,引出worker这个单词,教学与练习,然后再展开一个自编的故事情节,在故事情境中学习factory, evening, late, early, taxi.

T: Boys and girls, Do you know what does he do?


T: Yes, he is a worker(出示worker单词卡片教读)

T:His name is Jack, he works in a factory(出示单词卡片factory教读)factory, factory, a worker in a factory.(请学生单个读单词进行操练)


T: He goes to work at seven o'clock in the evening.(出示单词evening卡片,教读并板书)evening, evening, in the evening.(开火车游戏操练单词)

T: Look at the sky, it's dark, it's late(教读单词late)

T: He works very hard, then he goes home at 5 o'clock in the morning, it's very, very early(教读单词early).

T: At this time, a taxi comes, the taxi takes him to home.(教读单词taxi)


3. Learn the text

Learn the text.

Listen to the CD-ROM. And then fill the table.(填表格)

What dose he/she do? What time does he/she go to work? Daming's father Fangfang's father Daming's mother Fangfang's mother

T: Well done, this time please read after the CD-ROM sentence by sentence.

T: Read the text in roles.(分角色朗读)

T: Read the text together.

(评价语:Good, excellent, well done, Super...)

4. Practice

(1) Look and say.

(2) Free talk in groups.

(3) Make a passage.

5. Summary

 T: Boys and girls, all of you did a good job. Let's review what we have learned today. The new words"evening/late/worker/factory/early/taxi". Target sentences: "My...goes to work at...every morning/evening/night." "What does he/she do?" "She/He is a ...".

6. Homework