三下外研版英语优质课《Module6 Unit2》教学设计教案免费下载
三下外研版英语优质课《Module6 Unit2》教学设计教案免费下载第2页

1) has..."听Part 2,播放与Part 2相关的练习① "True or False":根据课文内容判断PPT上图片正误

2) 展示与Part 2相关的练习② "Answer the questions" 中的问题,再次播放教学软件,让学生带着问题跟读、齐读Part2,提示 用"Yes, she does."或 "No, she doesn't't."回答据课文提出的"Does she have ..."的相关问题;从而检查学生对Part2 的掌握情况。


5)展示活动图片,运用对话句型"What does she/he/it do on Mondays/Saturdays/Sundays?"------"On Mondays/Saturdays/Sundays, she/he/it _____________."让学生进一步熟练掌握第三人称作主语,谓语动词的变型及在句子中的应用。

Step5: 运用对话句型"What do you have at school today?"----"I have...at school today?"获取今天学生课程相关信息,制成表格,如图:

In the

morning 1 2 3 4 In the afternoon 5 6 7 让学生据表格内容,用句型"What do you have at school today?"----"I have...at school today?"进行对话练习。

Step6:Play Games------Whispers(咬耳朵)


B: What do you have at school in the first class?(B →A)

A:I have Chinese at school in the first class.


B: He/She has Chinese at school in the first class. (B→ C)

C:....(C→ D)



通过游戏让学生掌握句型 "What do you have at school...?", "I have... at school ...", 及"He/She has... at school ..."的联合应用。


让学生询问其朋友的星期一的课程安排,并据Step 6中的表格样式用英语制作成课表,在下一次课时向同班同学及老师介绍课表。