优质课《Unit1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday》教学设计
优质课《Unit1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday》教学设计第5页




Step1 Warming-upw W w .x K b 1.c o M

1) Greetings.

2) Free talk: What day is today? What's the weather like today? What do you usually do at the weekend? What did you do last weekend?

Step2 Presentation:

   1) Show the book the teache .(Three Days to See)Ask the students who wrote it? Helen Keller

2) What do you want to know about Helen Keller?


  1) Look and listen.

  2) Listen and repeat.

  3)Read and answer.

(1)When and where was Helen Keller born?

(2)She wrote a book about herself, didn't she?

(3)Did she go all over the world?

(4) Is she a model?

4) make up stories according to the text.


  Game: Encourage the students to say something about the topic. "As a small child, what could/couldn't you do?"通过PPT出示自己儿时的照片,用本课学习的新句型介绍自己小时候能做的事和不能做的事,进而鼓励学生谈论自己的情况,既起到的示范作用,又拉近了师生间的距离。

Step5 Summary

Step6 Homework

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