七上英语《Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball》教学设计教案28
七上英语《Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball》教学设计教案28第2页

(1) I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. (2) My brother has a soccer ball, but I don't. (3) I only watch sports on TV. (4) Soccer is difficult for me. (5) My brother and I are in the same school.

3.师生共建Listen paragraph 1, read after the tape and find the answers.

Question 1: Who is Alan? Does Alan have a soccer ball?


Question 2: Do they love soccer?


Question 3: Where do they play soccer ball?


Question 4: What does Frank Brown think of soccer ball?


1. 合作探究Listen paragraph 2, read after the tape and find the answers.

Question 1: How many kinds(类型) of balls does Gina Smith have?


Question 2: How many balls does Gina Smith have? What are they?


4. 自主学习 Listen paragraph 3, read after the tape and tick ( ∨ ) the answers.

True (真) False (假) (1) Playing ping-pong is difficult for Wang Wei. (2) Wang Wei plays ping-pong with his classmate after class. (3) He has 2 ping-pong balls and 3 ping-pong bats.

活动三Activity 3. 拓展

I have a ______. I like it very much. I think it is ______. But my _____(同学或朋友)_____(名字)doesn't _______ a _______. He / She thinks it is __________.

活动四Activity 4. Exercise


(1) - Let's go to the park.

- Good idea. I think it's ________ (relax).

(2) My cousin _____ (have) a new dictionary.

(3) Look! There are five __________ (volleyball) under the table.

(4) Jack ____________ (not have) a ping-pong bat.

2 当堂检测: 句型转换。

(1) Lucy plays tennis with her mother.


_____ Lucy ____ tennis with her mother?

(2) Linda has three volleyballs.