2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案(江苏省专用)《Unit 1 Tales of the unexpected 2》
2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案(江苏省专用)《Unit 1 Tales of the unexpected 2》第3页

  e.g. Poor Mr. Black has to provide for a large family.

   She has only a boy to provide for.

supply:常用句式:supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to / for sb.

  e.g. We supply eggs, sugar and many other things to / for our residents.

   The media supplies us with lots of information.

常用短语:supply and demand:供需; a good supply of:大量的......;be in short supply:供应短缺


1、not all / each / every ... / both

not 与all、each、every...、both连用,即构成部分否定,解释:

not all... = all ... not :不是所有的......都......

  e.g. All the students can't understand it.

   Not all the boys like playing football.

not each... = each... not...:不是每个......都......

  e.g. Each girl doesn't like colorful clothes

   Not each of them can get up on time.

not every... = every...not...:不是每个......都......

e.g. Not every student can study English well.

not both... = both... not...:两个......不都是......

e.g. Both the boys aren't good ones.

注:全不、都不:none ... is / are...; 没一个:no one ...;两个都不:neither ... is


vote on:就......投票表决

  e.g. We voted on whether to go or not.

   In those days women had no right to vote on important matters.

vote for:投票支持、赞成

e.g. The public voted for the building of a new hospital.

vote down:投票否决

e.g. We decided to vote down his proposal.

vote against:投票反对

e.g. All the students vote against smoking in classrooms.

vote through:投票通过

  e.g. Finally we voted through the decision

4、a list of:一个......单

  e.g. He gave me a list of things that we needed for the meeting.

list短语:make a ...list:编一个......单;draw up a list:造表; put a person's name on the list: 把某人列入名单;take a person's name off the list:把某人除名

list:vt. 列表、造册

e.g. Please list all the thing you want to buy.


1)+ 名词

  e.g. This letter will ensure you a seat on the ship.

His recommendation ensured me a job in that shop.