公开课《Unit1 When are we going to eat》教学设计
公开课《Unit1 When are we going to eat》教学设计第4页

Step10 Work in groups:

If you are going to have a picnic , what are you going to do? Make discussion 让学生结合课文,说出自己的活动计划 Step10 Emotional education:

(Show the picture of the cleaner)

Look at the picture, What is he going to do? (After the students'answer)

T: He isn't going to the mountain. He is only going to pick up the garbage. He is a Huashan Mountain's cleaner. To stay the surroundings clean, their job is very danger. So, if you are going to have a picnic .Can you throw the garbage everywhere? No, we can't.

Ss guess: Is he going to climb the mountain?

Is he going to show Kong Fu?

Is he going to swing.

Show the picture of the garbage 进行情感升华,让学生懂得爱护环境,保护大自然 白板出示华山清洁工人吊着绳索捡拾垃圾,游人攀爬树木,乱写乱画,乱扔垃圾的图片

Step11 Homework:

1. Recite the text

2. Look and write