免费下载《Module3 Unit1 I like football》教学设计教案
免费下载《Module3 Unit1 I like football》教学设计教案第3页

一、 教学过程

Step One :Warm up

1、 Greeting with students:

  T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  S: Good morning, Miss Li.

  T: How are you today?

  S: I'm fine. And how are you?

  T: I'm fine, too.Thank you.

2、Free talk:

Around the class, I talk with the individual student using the sentences that we have learned such as "What's your favourite song? What's your favourite colour? What's your favourite animal?"

(Teachers provide some pictures about colours and animals)


Step Two:Lead in

T:My dear children, do you like sports?

(The teacher explain what "sport " is the meaning of and the students describe their hobbies. )

Today, we will study the English name of some sports and how to express our preferences.

Show the topic: Module 3 Unit 1 I like football.

Step Three: New course

1、Come up with a basketball and do the action of playing ball,doing and saying:It's a basketball.Emphasize the pronunciation of football and have the students repeat it.

2、Use the same method to teach the words football、 table tennis 、morning exercises.

3、Learning the text

T:Look, our good friend PanPan is coming.What sport does Panpan like?

(Explain what the "like" is the meaning of.)

1)、Play the tape first time.Have the students listen carefully and answer the questions that what Panpan like and what Panpan dislike.

2)、Play the tape again.Have the students listen and repeat.

3)、Have the students try to retell the story, then draw a smiling face behind the sports that Panpan like,and draw a crying face behind the sport that Panpan doesn't like.

Step Four:Practice

Show some pictures about sports.Have the students talk about their hobbies with the sentences :I like... /I don't like...


Step Five:Homework

In the table,draw or write your own like and dislike sports,animals and colours.The talk about your preferences with your partner.

Sports Animals Colours I like I don't like Step Six: Blackboard writing:

Module3 unit1

I like football.


(笑脸图) I like... . basketball

(哭脸图) I don't like... table tennis

morning exercise

二、 教学反思

本节课重点学习 I like...和I don't like...两个句子,让学生学会运用这两个句子来表达自己的喜好。在课堂教学中,主要应用实物进行教学,加深学生对新单词和短语的理解。学生学习兴趣较浓厚,教学效果良好,大部分学生都能运用这两个进行口头表达。
