
one can sleep 8 at night, and, during weekends and 9 summer evenings, one can enjoy the 10 clean air of the country. If one 11 gardens, one can spend one's 12 time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are 13 in the garden.② Then, when the flowers and vegetables 14 , one has the reward (回报) of a person who has shared the secrets of 15 .

Some people, however, take no interest in country things;③for them, 16 lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dancehalls and restaurants. Such people would 17 that their life was not worth 18 if they had to live it outside London. A walk in one of the parks and a visit 19 the sea every summer is all the country they 20.


1. A. showsB. expressesC. meansD. needs

2. A. home B. family C. flatD. house

3. A. cleaner B. nicer C. biggerD. cheaper

4. A. money B. to lend C. to borrowD. to hire

5. A. himB. its C. onesD. their

6. A. free B. farC. outD. absent

7. A. If B. Although C. BecauseD. After

8. A. little B. less C. longerD. better

9. A. on B. for C. at D. by

10. A. coldB. warm C. freshD. pleasant

11. A. prefers B. likes C. wantsD. interests

12. A. day B. rest C. spareD. whole

13. A. made B. brought C. carriedD. needed

14. A. come on B. come to C. come upD. come over

15. A. work B. society C. scienceD. nature

16. A. health B. happiness C. wealthD. future

17. A. know B. feel C. understandD. hope

18. A. wasting B. finding C. livingD. spending

19. A. for B. to C. ofD. at

20. A. hope B. wish C. askD. want


① Many people who work in London want to live outside it..., even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and reach home later in the evening.


② ...doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in the garden.


③ Some people, however, take no interest in country things.


Passage A