英语《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计免费下载
英语《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计免费下载第3页

T:I have a wonderful chant, let's read, ok?出示课件chant my his her

(Head head head This is my head.

   Hand hand hand This is my hand.

  Arm arm arm This is my arm.

  Leg leg leg This is my leg.

  Foot foot foot This is my foot.)

 T: Let's chant together, ok?(教师加上动作领读)

 Ss:(say chant)

 T: girls chant. (very good!)

 T: boys chant.

 T:You're wonderful!

Step 3: Practice 练习

Listen and act. (在小组间进行听音做动作比赛。)

T:Now children. Let's play a game.Do you like to play a game?


1. listen and point教师发指令 ,学生做动作。(出示课件)

T: Ok, Now I say and you point.

T:Point to your ....(head/leg/foot/arm/hand)

T: Point to your...and your...

2. say and point指名学生发指令,其余同学做动作并说句子,

T:Next, Let's do it like this. One student say .and the others say and do.

S1:Point to your head/etc...

Ss: This is my head/etc ...

Step 4: Consolidation 巩固

Task 1: Listen and answer the question.实物投影出示课文

T:Open your books, turn to page 38.

  1)T:Listen , point, and answer the questions:

A: What does Daming see?

  B: Which parts of Panpan can Daming see?

2)T:Listen, point and say.