2017--2018学年人教版必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note language points学案(1)
2017--2018学年人教版必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note language points学案(1)第3页

(1) n 叫/要的菜

May I take you order now? 您的菜点好了吗?

(2) n 顺序,次序

The books are arranged in order of size. 书籍按尺寸码放。

(3) n 命令

Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。

We did it on his order. 我们奉他之命做了那件事。

(4) v 命令

 The officer ordered his soldiers to march. 长官命令他的士兵前进。

⑸ v 预订,订购

 I have ordered a new computer from the shop. 我从商店里订购了一台新电脑。

 我点了一份牛排。 ___________________________________________________________.

2. take a chance 碰运气

As for whether he will win the game or not, we must take a chance. 对于他能否取胜,我们只能碰运气。

3. manner n

 ① 方法;方式

 Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话?

 ② 态度;举止

 He talked to her in a very rude manner. 他很粗鲁地和她说话。

 ③ 礼貌,礼节;风俗,习俗

 It's bad manners to talk with a mouth full. 嘴里有食物时说话不礼貌。

 You should have good manners all the time. 你应该时时刻刻都讲礼貌。

 These are the manners and customs of the Chinese. 这些是中国人的风俗习惯。

4. genuine adj 真正的; 真实的;名副其实的

We cannot make sure it is a genuine painting. 我们不能确认它是一幅真画。

● 辨析:

◆ genuine指物品的来历或性质同所说的是一致的。如:

    a genuine antique 一件真古董。

     genuine knowledge 真知;真正的知识

◆ real adj 真实的; 真正的;指从外表看来不是虚假或伪造的

 That is a real dog, not a toy. 那是一条真狗,而不是一个玩具。

◆ true adj 意为"真实的;确实的;确切的" 指符合实际情况。

 It is true that he has won the prize. 他确实赢得了奖品。

 Is it true that he is rich? 他很富有,是真的吗?

5. in rags穿着破旧衣服;穿得破破烂烂的(状态)

 The old man is in rags. 那个老人穿得破破烂烂的。

6. indeed adv

 ① 的确是;实在是;当然

- Did you hear the explosion last night? 你昨晚听见爆炸声了吗?

- Indeed I did. 我确实听到了。

 ② (表示惊奇、反语等)真是的;的确

- I earn $1000 a day. 我一天赚一千美元。

- Indeed? 真的吗?