《Unit4 What's the best movie theater》教学设计教案14
《Unit4 What's the best movie theater》教学设计教案14第2页

程 教学步骤   设计说明 教师活动 学生活动 Revision 激活已学知识,创设上课的情景。 I know every student is special in our class. And do you know who it is? Let's talk about it.(Show the PPT.) Discuss the topic by using the sentence pattern: I think ... is the ... in our class. Warming-up 让学生回忆尽可能多的形容词,为听力做好铺垫,同时检测学生的预学情况。 There are more and more talent shows today, for example, the Voice of China is getting more and more popular. Tell students thoughts about them and ask their opinions. Have a free talk. Who do they think sings the best?

1. Make some sentences by using ... sings the most beautifully in the show.

2. Talk about a famous magician in China. Pre-reading 激活已有知识,为阅读做准备。 Can you guess what the passage is about? Something about talent shows. While-Reading 阅读文本,理解大意。 1. Fast reading: Match the main ideas with each paragraphs.

2. Detailed reading: Read each paragraphs and finish some related questions.(2c)

3. Try to understand the structure of the passage. Read the passage and finish the tasks. Discuss the answers in groups first, then in class. Post-reading: Survey 了解学生情况,运用所学知识。 1. Have a group discussion.

What do they think of talent shows?

2. Who's got talent in our class? Let's make a survey. Finish 2e. Make a survey and finish the chart, then make a report after the example.



布置 1. Read 2b and try to retell the passage by using your own words.

2. Finish the task in 2d.


I think ... is the most talented person I know.

the ...book I read. have... in common

the ... movie I watch. It's up to you.

play a role (in)

make up

