2018--2019学年外研版必修一Module 2 My New Teachers language points教案
2018--2019学年外研版必修一Module 2 My New Teachers language points教案第2页


求 知识目标 1. Words: admit, amusing, appreciate, avoid, hate joke,patient,revision, scientific, summary ,translation

2. Phrases:make sure , so that, make progress, as a result , fall asleep , tell jokes

3. Grammar focus:

The verbs followed by -ing or -ed

4. describe a person

5.To understand the grammar rules completely to put them into use in exercises. 能力目标 1.形成本模块的语言知识结构。



4.To train:Fast reading skills, such as skimming, scanning & careful reading 情感态度

与价值观 1. 树立学生的信心, 当堂检测达标。

2. 调动学习积极性, 体验英语成就感。

3. 积累更多单词短语,培养英语语感。 教学重难点 1.单词较长 ,短语搭配容易混淆。


3. Use this part of grammar to analyze and make up exercises 教学方法 目标教学,以练促学,讲练结合,任务型教学 教学手段  自主学习,合作探究,图文并茂,     二、教学流程设计

Step 1. Learning aims(明确学习目标)

Show the whole class the learning aims to understand what to learn next.

items goals words admit, amusing, appreciate, avoid, hate joke,patient,revision, scientific, summary ,translation