原创《Module7 Unit2 Pandas love bamboo》教案教学设计
原创《Module7 Unit2 Pandas love bamboo》教案教学设计第2页




Sing a song(《If you are happy》)


Show some pictures of animals.

T:"Do you like these animals?"


T:"Ok,today we will learn more about the animals."

Show a picture of a "panda"and ask "what is this ?"Ss:"It is a panda."

Show a picture of a "many pandas"and ask "what are they ?"Ss:"They are pandas."

T:"What do they love?"Ss:"竹子"

Write down the word "bamboo"and teach Ss to read it.引出课题"Pandas love bamboo."

Show a picture of a "many cats"and ask "what are they ?"Ss:"They are cats."

T:"What do they like eating?"Ss:"Fish."

Show some pictures of snake、elephant、bear、dog and ask:"What do they like doing?"Ss:"......"T:"But I do not know what they like,too."If you want to know the answer.Please turn to page28 and look at part1.