【创新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案: Unit3《The World online》Welcome to the unit
【创新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7教案: Unit3《The World online》Welcome to the unit第2页

Step 3 Sharing information (PPT13-20)

Discuss the four pictures of the poster "A world of connections". Encourage students to express their understanding about the different usages of the Internet and have a good imagination of what the Internet brings us in the future.

Now work in pairs and have a discussion about each of the pictures.

Picture 1

1. What can people do on this website?

(Search for information on a variety of topics. )

2. What do we call this kind of website that provides searching services?

 (We call it search engine.)

3. How can you find information on the Internet using a search engine?

(Enter key words.)

4. What search engines do you know or often use? Which is your favourite search engine?

 (Google, Baidu.)

Picture 2

1. What do you think would be the advantages of shopping online?

(As online shopkeepers do not have to pay for the rental of a real shop, the products sold online are usually cheaper than those in real shops. It is easy and conveninent to compare a product in several online shops. Paying for things is simple as you just key in the credit card number and confirm the payment online. The delivery is usually quick and the online shops proivide delivery to your home. Above all, shopping online saves a lot of time.)

(Because people can only see pictures of the products online, sometimes you could receive something that was not what you really wanted. The safety of the payment is not 100 % guraranteed as someone may steal the account numbers or pin numbers of your credit cards registered online. Besides, some people falsely advertise products and then steal customers' money.)

Picture 3

1. Have you ever tried talking with your parents or friends online?

2. What devices do you need if you want to talk with people online?

(A computer connected to the Interent, a web-camera, a web-microphone and a web-taliking software...)

(There are many good points. People can save a lot of money instead of paying for long-distance calls. People can keep in touch with family members or friends wherever you are in the world. People can make new friends in different parts of the world. There are negative things too. The quality of the pictures or voices depends on the speed of network transfer. Many peole talk with inline friends without realizing that their pictures could be used by others in illegal ways.)