公开课《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》教案教学设计
公开课《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》教案教学设计第3页



   A: This is my pen friend. His name is Hao Xin. He studies in a middle school. He can speak English very well and he's learning French. He likes playing football and swimming

   B:Can I write to your friend? We can play football together.

   A:Yes, of course. This is his address.


1. 讲解生词:address , Sydney , Australia , Hong Kong , painting , pet , French .

2. 将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音呈现SB第二单元活动1。让学生看书听录音,弄清课文大体意思。

3. 录音原文:

Mike :hi ,I'm Mike .i'm eleven and I'm from Sydney . I like football and swimming .

Yao Tingting : My name is Yao Tingting . I'm form Hong Kong .i can write emails and stories in English . I like drawing and playing computer games.

Jim: hello, I'm Jim from London . I'm twelve. I can speak French and English , of course ! I like music and collecting stamps.

Linda: Hi ,I'm from san Francisco and my name's Linda . I can speak English and Chinese . I like dancing . painting and I love my pet dog, Alex.

3.放录音,让学生完整地听两遍。问学生:Who can be your pen friend ? Why ?


  4. 再放录音,让学生跟读,然后请他们试着脱离课本把这几个人物的基本情况讲述出来。

  5. 两人一组互相问答,运用以下语言:

  Who can be your pen friend ?

  Linda can .

  Why ?

  Linda loves her pet dog, and I love my dog , too. Linda is American and I want to learn English from her .


  Listen, and say, then sing..

For example, 'speak' can be a face with a bubble saying 'How do you do', 'write' can be a picture of a pen and some