免费下载《Robots will do everything》教案教学设计
免费下载《Robots will do everything》教案教学设计第4页

Daming has got a robot. Let's take a look. Open your books and turn to page 14. What can Daming's robot do? 大屏出示 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

T: What can Daming's robot do?

 Write the sentences on the blackboard: It can walk/ talk .Boys and girls and read individually.

3. Listen and underline.

  T: Yes, the robots are wonderful. In Sam's mind , robots will do more things one day. Show the word card (one day, everything) and practice reading.

Now listen and underline the sentences beginning with "will " (大屏出示)

  Get them to say.

  One day, robots will do everything.

  They will do the housework .

  And they will help children learn.

  Oh, they will do our homework too.

  讲解 will的用法。


  What's the answer of Daming?

No, they won't.学习won't 含义,让学生了解Robots can't do everything.