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(4) We eat/ate some fish and drink/drank some soup at home yesterday.





(七). Homework

1,Read the text fluently.

2,Remember the key words and phrases.

3,Tell your partner what you did last Sunday.

Blackboard Design

Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully.

We went there by bus

We saw some birds. a picnic

   Last Sunday They sang beautifully had a good time

We ate some food a busy day

We drank some drinks

教学反思:本节课通过Amy 和Sam讲述他们野餐经历学习不规则动词的过去式。学习课文前,我先设计Free talk:What did you do last Sunday?在师生之间和同桌之间进行问答,很好的复习了所学动词的过去式,也顺势导入课文学习:How about Sam and Amy? What did they do last Sunday?学生带着悬念进入新课学习,效果不错。但本课把大量的不规则动词集于一起学习,尤其是sang, drank, saw的发音是难点,学生掌握不好,还需多加训练。