七上英语《Unit6 Do you like bananas》教学设计教案24
七上英语《Unit6 Do you like bananas》教学设计教案24第3页

  T: Ok, now let's have a look at what the running star have for hermeals.

   2. Reading practice: Give 3 minutes for the students to read 3a in thetextbook.

   Step Two: Vocabulary

  1. Conversation(用三餐的图片来引入三餐词汇,用合适的图片映入其余词汇)

  T: Boys and girls, what is it?(showing a picture of breakfast)

  S1: It's a breakfast.

  T: How about this one? (showing apicture of lunch)

  S2: It's a lunch.

  T: And this one? (showing apicture of dinner)

  S3: It's a dinner.

  T: Ok, now let's have a look at this picture. What do they do? (showinga picture of running match)

  S4: Run.


  2. Summary

  breakfast; lunch; dinner;

  fruit; vegetable;




