《Module3 Unit1 Point to the door》教案教学设计免费下载
《Module3 Unit1 Point to the door》教案教学设计免费下载第3页

B:(Stand up,please!...Points to the window.)sit down,please!

A:Points the blackboard.

B:(Stand up,please!...Points to the blackboard.)sit down,please!

A:Points the bird.

B:(Stand up,please!...Points to the bird.)sit down,please!

Sing a song .(Play the CD-ROM)

Step4 Summary

Today we learnt some new words :door,window,blackboard,bird.and "point to...stand up ,sit down."

Step 5 homework

① Read the new words and listen to the CD-ROM.

② Listen to the instructions.

Step 6 Blackboard design

Module 3

Unit 1 Point to the door.


           Point to the window .



Stand up! Sit down!