2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11:Lesson 2第1课时教案
2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11:Lesson 2第1课时教案第3页

First listening: Ss listen to the radio programme and check their prediction. (PPT 11-12) Second listening: T divides the listening material into three parts and plays them separately.

Ss complete the sentences with information.

T gets feedback from individual student and then checks the answers as a whole class.

(PPT 13-14) (学案II) Third listening: Ss listen to the recording again from the beginning to the end to gain an overall understanding.

Ss discuss the question in pairs and then T checks answers as a class.

(PPT 15-16) (学案II) Post-listening[ Ss watch a section of video about Diana's funeral and enjoy the song "Candle in the wind".

(PPT 17) Ss express different opinions about the argument that taking photographs of famous people is part of news reporting?

(PPT 18) (学案III)