2017-2018学年 牛津版 选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-welcome to the unit 教案
2017-2018学年 牛津版 选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-welcome to the unit 教案第2页

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Ask Ss to learn these language points by themselves. 1. laughter

n. [U] the act or sound of laughing 笑;笑声;笑的样子

She roared with laughter (= laughed very loudly).

As we approached the hall we could hear the sound of laughter.

常用搭配:burst into laughter 爆发出一阵笑声

roar with laughter 放声大笑

2. agree

Ann and I never seem to agree.

I agree with you on this issue.

My father and I don't agree about/on very much.

[+ that] I agree that he should be invited.

[+ question word] Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not.

[+ speech] "You're absolutely right," agreed Jake.

I suggested that we should meet, and they agreed (= said yes).

[+ to infinitive] The bank has agreed (= is willing) to lend me £5000.


in agreement with 同意,赞同 break an agreement 违反协议

reach/ come to/ arrive at an agreement达成协议

conclude/ make an agreement 签订关于......的协议

3. Which of the events above do you think will be the funniest?

此句为复杂疑问句,其结构为: 疑问词+do you think +其余部分(陈述语序)

Who do you think is the tallest in your class?

Why do you think the earth's temperature keeps rising?

反馈检测 体验成功

Ask Ss to finish them by themselves.

Correct the answers.