外研版 五下 M5U1-It's big and light
外研版 五下 M5U1-It's big and light第2页





全体学生能初步运用:This black bag is nice. It's big and light.


感知"department store, sales assistant"


PPT, 单词卡片,CD-ROM


(一)复习导入Warm-up and revision( 5 分钟)

1. Greetings.

2. Choose and make a sentence.

3. Divide the whole class into four groups。

4. Listen and chant.

Show the pictures of the kite and the bike. Tell the students, Tom is flying the kite. Amy and Sam are riding the bike. What's the kite like? What's the bike like? Watch the CD-ROM and find the answer. Teach the new words: light, hard.

5. 再次播放SB Unit 1活动1动画,让学生听音并模仿跟读。

【设计意图】师生问候,进入英语氛围。分组方便课堂活动中进行有效的评价,激发学生学习兴趣。选书包看单词造句子的活动,激活了学生已有的学习兴趣。所复习的几个形容词,是本课的内容,复习与本课有关的知识点,为本课的巩固运用打下基础。SB Unit 1-1的学习,分散重难点,为进一步学习新内容做铺垫。

(二)任务呈现Task presentation( 1 分钟)

Tell the students: Your school has an educational activity. It's "hand in hand". The students in your school will buy some bags for the students who need helping. After the class, we can buy some bags for them.学校要开展"手拉手"助学活动,为灾区的小朋友选购一批书包。可是要怎样挑选时书包呢,学过本节课之后,我们也要来选购书包。
