外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 Can you run fast》教学设计教案
外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 Can you run fast》教学设计教案第4页

1、 high,老师举高了大声读,放低了小声读。然后把两个单词拼成一个短语,再读。贴在黑板上。

2、 同样方法教学jump far、读的时候形式要多样。

3、 学习ride fast

课件出示老师骑自行车的照片。T:Now,boys and girls,today I go to school by bike,I can ride bike,but I can't ride fast

边说边做动作,问:Can you ride fast?学生回答的同时出示笑脸或哭脸。教学单词ride,后把ride 和fast组合成短语再读,并贴在黑板上。把前面的几个词组一边动作一边读词组。

Step3 New text learning

1, T:Ok!children,I can run fast,I can jump high,I can jump far,but I can't ride。How abou our friends Lingling、Daming and Sam?Now let's listen to the tape and watch the CAI。(播放视频,学生仔细看,试着理解故事内容)

2, Read after the tape and answer the questions:

(1) Can Sam run fast?(2)Can Daming jump high?

(2) Who can jump far?(4)Who can ride fast?


  3. 分角色朗读课文。(两个女生,两个男生比赛,看哪组读的好)

Step4 Extension: