《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学反思和实录18
《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学反思和实录18第2页

1.(Show some pictures for the students.)

Say :Look at the picture and answer ,what TV show is it ?


(Talent show,game show, talk show ,news, sports show ,sitcom,soap opera)


2.T:Now ,open your books and turn to page 33,look at the picture and match the TV shows with the pictures.


T:Have you finished?


T:Then who can tell us your answer, hands up please.

T:(示意一名学生)You ,please.

S1: Talk show ,e;soap opera ,d;sports show ,b; sitcom ,c ;game show ,a;talent show,g; news,f.

T:Sit down ,please.Yes or no?


T:You did very well.Now ,read these phrases twice together.Talk show,do please.


(设计意图及反思:在刚才多媒体图片感知的基础上,自主找出各种节目名称,并读出这些节目的名称。从集中学习到自主学习和反馈,了解学生的学习情况。学生能够快速匹配,完成相应练习,只是个别学生对sitcom 的发音掌握的不到位。)

Step 4.Presentation

1.T: You did very well.Now,look at the screen.What do these faces mean?


Ss:love,like,don't mind,don't like,can't stand .


(1)T:Now ,class.What do you think of talent shows?(板书)


T:Yes.We can say "I love them ."

Can you read the sentences ?


T:Do it ,please.

Ss:What do you think of talent shows ?I love them .


Ss:What do you think of game shows ?

I like them.

Then ask the students to read the two students together.


Ss:What do you think of news?(教师板书,news和it用红笔标出。)

I don't like them.

教师重复:I don't like (板书到这里的时候,停顿,Ask :them,yes?)



T: Yes, I don't like it .这里,news 是不可数名词,so we should say ...(停顿)