免费下载教学《Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot》教学设计
免费下载教学《Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot》教学设计第2页

1. New teaching.(新课学习)

1) Read the new words.(Ask some students to read lead in)

2) Learn some important sentences.

e.g. a children's theatre(儿童剧院)

The show was very funny.

The men wore women's clothes.

The women wore men's clothes.

1) Listen to the audio and think about the following questions.

a.Where did lingling go last week?

b.What did the men and women wear?

c.What did the actors do?

d.What did they do after the show?

e.What did they eat?

4)Read and explain the text.

5)Ask some students to read the text.


1)Fill in the blacks.

2) Look, ask and answer.


  1.read the text.

  2.Write a letter to your friend who in not in the same school with you.