《Unit6 I'm going to study computer science》教学设计教案9
《Unit6 I'm going to study computer science》教学设计教案9第2页

  T: What does he do?

  Ss: He is a basketball player.

  T: Very good. Now look at the two photos of Yao Ming. In Picture 1,he was very young. But in Picture 2,he is old. That's to say, he grows up. Teach the phrase "grow up" .The students listen and repeat. Teach the other words about jobs in the same way.

  2.Have a competetion. Ask a few students to write down the words about jobs on the blackboard .Make sure the students understand the words about the jobs.


  1.Play a challenge game.Match the words about jobs with thier Chinese meaning.Finish 1a.Answers are vary.

  2.Teach the main sentences by the picture in 1a.Explain the usage of "be going to do" to the students and work in pairs.

  A:What do you want to be when you grow up?

  B:I want to be a/an_____.

  A:How are you going to do that?

  B:I'm going to _____.

  Step4.Listening .

  Listening to the tape in 1b and finish it.Then check the answers with the students together.

  Step5.Pair work.


  A: What are you going to be when you grow up?

  B: I'm going to be a basketball player.

  A: How are going to do that?

  B: I'm going to practice basketball every day.

  Step6. Group work.

  Ask the students to work in groups.Finish the following form. Make sure the students can use the taget language to express their own dreams.

  Name   What does he/she want to be when he/she grows up?   How is he/she going to do that?