外研版四年级下《Module 9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York》教案
外研版四年级下《Module 9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York》教案第2页

  Q: what language do the people speak in America?

  S: people speak English in America.

  Q: what's the capital of America?

  S: Washington D.C is the capital of the USA.

  Q: where is it?

  S: It's in the east.

  New words :speak , east

  c. Use the map to show the position of New York and San Francisco. And present the text contest on the blackboard. (teach new words " city , west , cousin )

  d. Make sure that all the contest on the blackboard and use a color chalk underline the new words.

  Listen and repeat. And read it in pairs.

  Repeat some key sentences with a teacher .Understand the meaning of it.

  Competition between two students. Read it "Who can read it more quickly?"

  (Improve the students ability of oral English)


  Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house?

  (Practice "I live in Beijing. My friend lives in ...)Give them 2' to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups

  Point ,ask and answer

  Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard)

  A: Where is New York? B: It's in the east.

  ( Look at pictures and describe the position of it )

  3. Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book


  (五)小结Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out)

  Important sentences ( make a simple translation)
