2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 1 A land of diversity Period 5Using Language教案(5页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 1 A land of diversity Period 5Using Language教案(5页word版)第5页

containing documents, photographs and all sorts of objects about the history of Chinese immigration, but it's closed in the evening. We will go back during the day. We had a delicious meal and then walked back down the hill to our hotel.

Step Ⅳ Homework

Ask the students to finish Activity 5 on page 9.

Show the following on the screen.

Description of a place

Just as an artist uses paint to create a picture, a writer uses words to create a description... Descriptive writing creates a picture of a person, place, thing or event. A description essay is generally developed through sensory details. Here are some tips about the description.

1. Selecting details: The writer should choose those that help to bring out the dominant characteristic.

2. Catching the features of the place: You should mainly write about the things that make it different from other places.

3. Giving your view points: Places may be described for their own sake, as in essays on visits to famous scenic places.

4. Giving your purpose: You should describe the place for the purpose of revealing the personality and character of a person, or creating a feeling or mood.