2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修8创新教案:Unit 5 Section 5
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修8创新教案:Unit 5 Section 5第3页

  up the ticket".That didn't happen, so she officially fought the law.The village argued that the law did apply, despite the missing comma (逗号) between the phrase "motor vehicle" and the word "camper".The court agreed, ruling that she had to pay the fine.

  She didn't give up.On June 22, 2015, the three judges in higher court generally supported her, which is called"a victory for punctuation"."According to grammar rules, items in a series are separated by commas,"judge Robert Hendrickson wrote."Reading 'motor vehicle camper' as one item does not produce an absurd result.If the village desires a different reading, it should put a comma between the phrase 'motor vehicle' and 'camper'."In the end, the village took his advise.


  1.What happened to Cammelleri's truck?

  A.It was parked at a wrong place.

  B.It broke down on the street.

  C.It was stolen by a thief at night.

  D.It was taken away by the police.

  解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段"It was held for overtime parking"可知,她的车因为停放时间长,而被扣留了。

  2.Why did Cammelleri think the law didn't apply to her truck?

  A.She had her license to drive her truck.

  B.She lived there for two and a half years.

  C.She found a grammar mistake in the law.

  D.She didn't leave her truck there for a long time.

  解析:选C 细节理解题。由第三段"My truck wasn't a 'motor vehicle camper'"可知,她认为自己的车不是motor vehicle camper,所以这条法律不适用于她的车。

  3.We can infer that Cammeller .

  A.failed in her first case

  B.won the support of the mayor

  C.was fined for refusing the ticket

  D.made the court admit the grammar mistake

  解析:选A 推理判断题。由第四段"The court agreed, ruling that she had to pay the fine"可知,在第一次诉讼中,她败诉了。

  4.What is the main idea of the text?

  A.A comma makes a woman avoid a parking ticket.

  B.A woman refuses to pay a fine for parking wrongly.

  C.A parking ticket leads to a change of grammar rules.

  D.A court judgment shows the importance of grammar.

  解析:选A 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了一个妇女的车被扣留,她通过发现法律中的一个标点符号错误得以避免被罚款的故事。


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•Set healthy goals.