2018-2019学年英语新导学浙江专用选修七讲义:Unit 3-Period Three Word版含答案
2018-2019学年英语新导学浙江专用选修七讲义:Unit 3-Period Three Word版含答案第4页

9.The art exhibition is well worth visiting(visit) a second time.

10.The library was being built(build) last October.I'm not sure if it is completed now.



I saw the man being taken away by the police.


The question is far from being settled.


Having been shown around the lab,the guests were taken to see the library.


This problem requires studying/to be studied with great care.


The topic being discussed now at the meeting is about education.


  Our modern life is changing our eating habits.We 16.are spending(spend) too much time in front of TV or computers and becoming "couch potatoes" or "mouse potatoes". We also eat too much junk food and we don't get enough exercise.The foods we find in the supermarket are sometimes not 17.beneficial(benefit) to us,and it is difficult to know 18.exactly(exact) what we are eating when we buy ready­made or pre­prepared dishes.19.Considering(consider) this situation,it is becoming 20.more(much) important than ever to make sure that we keep a healthy diet.

  A healthy diet gives us the calories we need and don't contain too much fat.The number of calories we need 21.varies(vary) depending on what kind of body we have (are we short,tall,heavy etc.) and 22.how active we are.Quality food,or healthy food,gives us calories 23.in the best way.Junk food,on the other hand,gives us few calories and lots of fat and sugar.If we eat too much fat and sugar,we 24.will put(put) on weight easily.In order to live a happy and long life,we should keep 25.a balanced diet.



  The TV science­fiction series Star Trek no longer looked far­fetched(牵强的) as four men and four women in black spacesuits locked themselves into a giant hi­tech greenhouse,known as a "biosphere",in the Arizona desert yesterday for a two­year study of the environment.

As dawn broke over the Santa Catalina mountains,the eight waved goodbye to television