2019学年度人教版选修七UnitFiveTraveling abroad Period1Warming up and reading教案(4页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七UnitFiveTraveling abroad Period1Warming up and reading教案(4页word版)第3页


1) Are you eager to travel abroad to enjoy the beautiful scenery by yourself?

2) If you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you like to visit and why?

3) What kind of things would you learn by being a tourist in a country and what would you learn best by working or studying there?

(Suggested answers: architecture; places of interest; the economic situation; manners and customs; the proprieties of the country; slang; the differences in time, food, transportation; destinations; route;)

Step 2 Reading task

So, in strange surroundings, any unexpected things may happen. Now, turn to Page 82, try to list the dangers and problems, then discuss ways you could prevent theses things happening in groups.

1. What problems did each traveler have? Did you guess correct? What should they have done to avoid the problems?

Problem Things they should have done Tom
