2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案:Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note period4 教案2
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案:Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note period4 教案2第2页


20m' 单句翻译我最会:


1. Tom 在盯着一张照片看。

Tom was staring at a photo.

2. 这张照片使他回忆起被叔叔养大的日子。

This photo reminds him of the days when he was brought up by his uncle.

3. 当时叔叔不允许他花很多时间玩电脑。

At that time his uncle didn't permit him to spend much time playing the computer.

4. 一天,叔叔出去了,他冒险打开叔叔的电脑。

One day, his uncle went out and he took a chance to turn on his uncle's computer

5. 他无意中在电脑上看了《百万英镑》的一幕。

He watched a scene of The Million Pound Bank Note by accident.

6. 叔叔回来后,没介意他偷玩电脑;正相反,叔叔跟他一起看起《百万英镑》来。

When his uncle returned, he didn't mind him playing the computer; on the contrary,his uncle watched the film with him.

7. 这部电影非常有趣,他真的喜欢这部电影和马克 吐温。这就是他喜欢美国文学( literature)的原因。

The film was very interesting, and he liked it and Mark Twain indeed. That is why he liked the American literature.


He missed his uncle very much, who influnced Tom a lot.