《Module4 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》教学设计
《Module4 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》教学设计第2页


T:What's your favourite western festvials?

   引导学生有My favourite western festvial is ...做出回答

T: Ok, Thanksgiving Day is a very important western festival, too. Now, let's listen to the activity 1 ,then answer "What festivals do they talk about?"

4. 课件出示问题。

(二) 、新授

1. 节日简介:简介感恩节和国旗日。


2. T: Thanksgiving is a very interesting festival. Do you want to know what they do on Thanksgiving Day? Ok, now let's discuss it.

3. 出示图片讲授句子What do they do on Thanksgiving Day?

They always have a special meal. It's a big family dinner.

They say "thank-you"for food, family and friends

并学习新单词special, meal等。


What do they do on Flag Day?

They fly the flag and we sing songs.

学习新单词flag, fly等。


(三) 、课文学习

1. 听课文录音,结合图片理解课文大意。回答问题

What do they do on Flag Day?

What do they do on Thanksgiving Day?

2. 在听课文并跟读然后回答问题:

        1).What festival is it tomorrow?

        2).What is Simon's favourite festival?

        3).Which festival does Daming like?

3. 再次播放录音,学生跟读,模仿语音语调。完成表格。

True False 1.People always have a special meal on Flag Day. 2.Flag Day is Simon's favourite festival. 3.On Thanksgiving Day,they have a big family dinner. 4.People say "thank-you"for their food family and friends.