公开课《Module10 Unit1 He was in the kichen》教学设计教案
公开课《Module10 Unit1 He was in the kichen》教学设计教案第3页

 T:Look ,there is a magic apple.利用"魔法苹果"检验前置作业中的单词掌握情况。为新课做铺垫。创设轻松的学习氛围,消除学生的紧张情绪,激发学生的兴趣。


 T:课件出示圣诞老人坐着驯鹿车慢慢出现Look,who is he? Yes, he is Christmas father. Where is he going ? Wow Christmas Day is coming. He will give the presents for children . Let's follow him and have a look.教师用学生比较感兴趣的圣诞节到来圣诞老人去Sam的家送礼物来引出本课学习内容,还原生活面目,创设情境,激发学生的求知欲,引起他们学习新知的欲望与兴趣,形成积极的学习态度。

 1 .T: look, this is Sam's house. 课件出示Christmas father进入厨房、卫生间、卧室、客厅藏礼物的情境。引出"I'm in the kitchen ."的句型.并练习Where is he? He is in the......的句型。

 2. Listen and chant together. 让学生和老师及圣诞老人一起chant。 chant极富节奏感,跟着课件画面一起做,调动学生的多种感官,初步感知学习的新句型Chant

 I'm in the kichen.

 I'm in the toilet.

 I'm in the living room.

 I'm in the bedroom.

3, T:Just now, Christmas father hid the presents in the room? Where are they? Let's find them.老师和圣诞老人人机对话: Christmas