2019届译林版高考英语选修7课堂要点学案:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing Word版含答案
2019届译林版高考英语选修7课堂要点学案:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing Word版含答案第2页

  We need more tools.(口语)

  3.The heavy rain prevented us from starting.(书面语)

  We could not start because of the heavy rain.(口语)


  1.Through the window came in the sweet song.


  2.Once there lived a greedy king in Greek.


  3.Someone read the question to him.


  4.His ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Olympic Games.







现象 比例 不了解邻居爱好的 85% 不知道邻居姓名的 80% 没有拜访过邻居的 70% 出现上述现象的原因 ...... 你对这种现象的看法 ......   

  ①With the development of the society, people's living standard has been greatly improved.②But from our survey of the neighborhood relationship, we get a surprising result.

  ③85 percent of the people surveyed have no idea of their neighbors' hobbies.④80 percent fail to know their neighbors' names while 70 percent have never visited their neighbors.⑤The reasons for the phenomenon are varied.

⑥Firstly, people now are living so busy a life that they seldom have time to visit their neighbors.⑦Secondly, living in high building provides people with an independent space, which to some extent decreases the connection between neighbors.⑧As a result, although