外研版《Unit1 Robots will do everything》教学设计
外研版《Unit1 Robots will do everything》教学设计第2页

  2. play a game: Here are some pictures, but I don't know how to say them in English. Can you help me? 多媒体出示一些图片,让学生帮助自己说出正确的英语。(设计意图:师生问好,共同完成一个游戏大量的复习了动词短语。即快速接近了师生之间的距离,消除陌生感,又为我们下面要学习的内容做了良好的铺垫。)

  Step2 Presentation.

  1. We have to do many things by ourselves. So we always feel tired in our life. If someone can help us. We will be very happy .But who can help us? Show a picture of robot and learn the words "robot,robots".Then practice the sentences of "It can ..." (设计意图找到话题与所授新知的契合点让学生很自然的过渡到robot 这一话题上来。)

  2. Activity one: Say freely: If you have a robot, what will it do? It will". (设计意图锻炼孩子的发散思维能力。大量练习本课的重点句型"It will"")

  3. learn the other words : do the housework /do homework/ do everything/help children learn(设计意图robot 是一个比较抽象的单词。采用课件、实物及chant 来学习机器人的功能,这样更直观,更具有趣味性,更加容易让学生接受,掌握。)

  4.New text:

  a) Listen and underline the sentences of "will".

b) Listen and repeat.