2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案: Unit 5 Cananda the True North period4 教案1
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案: Unit 5 Cananda the True North period4 教案1第2页




Step 2 Writing task:Imagine you are the cousins who travelled across Canada and write a travel report about what you saw during the trip. (Students are required to carefully observe the organization of the travel report below and figure out its structure.)

What we saw in Canada

My cousin and I traveled across Canada by train from west to east. We saw many things from the train on the way across, and in the cities of Toronto and Montreal. Some of the most important and interesting things that we saw are included in this report.

  We passed through the Rocky Mountains on the train, and saw wild scenery, a grizzly bear and some mountain goats. Canada is a wheat-growing area. The city of Thunder Bay is a port in the center of Canada. Ocean ships can come all the way to the top of the Great Lakes.







  There is so much to see and do in Canada on one trip. We saw only a few things, but we think we would like to go back for another visit.



Day 1 Day 2 1. 在多伦多---加拿大最大最富裕的城市,登上加拿大国家电视塔(CN Tower),看到了尼亚加拉大瀑布(Niagara Falls)上升腾的薄雾(misty cloud) 4.第二天抵达蒙特利尔,发现周围的人们都讲法语,看到很多指示牌和广告都是用法语写的,有一些上面有小写的英语。