2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案:Unit 2 Healthy eating全单元
2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案:Unit 2 Healthy eating全单元第2页

词 汇 1. 四会词汇

diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, stir-fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, consult, fiber, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine

2. 认读词汇

protective, spaghetti, protein, crisp, kebab, sugary, muscle, calmly, cooperation

3. 词组

get away from, balanced diet, ought to, lose weight, tell a lie, win... back, earn one's living, in debt, spy on, cut down, before long, put on weight

法 The use of ought to

1. Statements

You ought to cook fresh vegetables and meat without too much fat if you want to stay slim.

You ought not to eat the same kind of food at every meal.

2. Difficulty

Distinguish and summarize the usage of ought to and should.

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析


1.1 WARMING UP 是本单元一个重要的组成部分。让学生看图讨论不同食物对人体的作用,了解饮食与人体健康的关系。通过几个设问激发学生思考自己的饮食习惯是否合理,运用已有的知识经验思考什么是Healthy Eating.

1.2 PRE-READING 通过一个表格和一个排序题引导学生对比不同食物中哪些食物富含脂肪、纤维素、维生素和糖份。可添加讨论如何在烹饪中保持食物营养,从而有利于健康。

1.3 READING 讲述王鹏伟和咏慧开饭店的不同风格和顾客对不同食品的反应,反映