《Unit1 It's big and light》教学设计教案(五下外研版英语)
《Unit1 It's big and light》教学设计教案(五下外研版英语)第2页

    S: Hello, Ms Li. Nice to see you.

    T: What's the weather like today?

    S: .......

3.Review: Use the computer to show several objects, and then ask the students to compare and describe them.

    (tall-short, big-small, old- young, new-old, long-short, fat-thin )

  Step 2 New concents

    1.Teach new words: heavy, light, pockets, broken.

    (1)Teach new word:heavy

    (2)Teach new word:light

    (3)Teach new word:pocket

    (4)Teach new word:broken

    2.Let's chant.

  Step 3 Learn the text

    1.T: Do you know Lingling? Lingling's bag is broken. Ms Smart want to buy a new one. Let's listen to the tape and think of these questions.

    What does Lingling need?

    What is the blue bag like ?

    Which bag has got wheels?

   Which bag do they buy?

2. 解决问题,并听读第二遍。