免费下载《Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot》教学设计
免费下载《Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot》教学设计第3页


  Step1. Warming-up

  1. Greetings: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to our English class again! (鼓掌欢迎学生) Are you happy?

  Ss: Yes!

  T:Great! First, let me divide you into six groups. And I will give every group a piece of paper. The group leader, please record the apples your group has got. Do you understand?

  Ss: Yes!

  T:And the group who has got the most apples, will become the winner.


  T:Now let's begin our class. First, let's play a game: shooting bubbles game. The rules of the game:Please stand up and say the words in the bubbles as quickly as you can. If you are right, the bubbles will disappear; if you are wrong, the bubbles are still there. Now are you ready for the game?(领读新单词ready)

  Ss: ...

  T: I can do a magic, and I can make the bubbles fly. Please look carefully.

  Now I say the words in this line, and you say the words in that line. OK?

  Ss: OK!

  T: I say ride. Ride, ride, ride.

  Ss: I say rode. Rode, rode, rode.

T: I say watch. Watch, watch, watch.