2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11 Lesson1 World News 第一课时
2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11 Lesson1 World News 第一课时第3页

Step 1 T shows some pictures and asks, "Where do we get news from?" and "What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment? Why?" (PPT 7-8) 引出话题,激活学生的背景知识。 CW

2' Pre-reading Step 2 T asks Ss to predict what will be talked about in the news based on the title, the picture.(PPT 9-10) 根据标题、图片和已获得信息预测阅读内容,帮助学生理解课文,培养学生利用背景知识进行阅读的策略。 IW

2' While-reading Step 3 First reading: Ss skim the news and check their prediction. ( The topic on the agenda this week in ____ among the G8 leaders is how to _________. ) (PPT 11) 核对预测信息,了解新闻大意。 IW - PW

3' Step 4 Second reading: Ss read the news once again with the questions 3 - 5 in Ex. 2.

Ss work in pairs and check the information they get from the news. Then T gets the feedback from the whole class. (PPT 12-13) 提取和整理课文细节信息。 IW - PW - CW

6' Step 5 Third reading: Ss read the news in detail and find some specification information about G8 and then fill in the blanks. (PPT 14-16) 提取和整理课文细节信息。 IW - GW - CW
