【创优设计】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案:Unit4 Publictransport SectionⅠ Word版含解析
【创优设计】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案:Unit4 Publictransport SectionⅠ Word版含解析第2页

  The loss and suffering associated with road traffic deaths and injuries are preventable.With firm political will and an integrated approach that addresses vehicles,the people who use roads,and the road infrastructure,roads can be made safer.


  1.How many people are killed on roads every year now according to the text?

  2.How can people prevent road traffic deaths and injuries?

  Keys:1.1.2 million people (are killed on roads every year).

  2.With firm political will and an integrated approach that addresses vehicles,the people who use roads,and the road infrastructure,roads can be made safer.


  Do you know any effective approach that can make our roads safer?



  1.__________adv.遗憾地,不幸地→__________ adv.幸运地→__________ adj.幸运的

  2.__________ adj.难以置信的→__________ adj.可信的→ __________ v.相信,认为→__________ n.相信,信赖,信念

  3.________ v.承担,从事→________ n.承担者,承办人

  4.__________n.所有权,产权→__________ n.主人→__________ v.拥有,adj.自己的

  5.__________ v.扩大,扩展→__________ adj.大的,多数的

  6.__________ n.周年纪念日 →__________ adj.每年的,一年一次的

  7.__________ n.增加,增长 →__________ v.种植,生长

  8.__________ n.询问,咨询 →__________ v.询问,调查

  9.__________ n.少量的人或物;一把的量→__________n.手,vt.传递

  10.__________v.分割,分开→__________ (过去分词)

  11.__________n.接待员→__________ n.接待,接收→__________ v.接待;收到

  12.__________ n.预定,预约→__________ v.预约,储备,保留

  13.__________n.离开,出发→__________ v.离开,出发

  14.__________ adj.好斗的,挑衅的→__________v.侵犯,挑衅

  15.________ adj.喝醉的,n.醉汉 →________ v.喝酒,喝


  1.set a limit/limits on ____________

  2.under the authority of ____________

  3.add up to ____________

  4.by means of ____________

  5.be experienced in ____________

  6.a handful of ____________

  7.by hand ____________

  8.put off ____________

  9.put up with ____________

  10.come up ____________

  11.come across ____________

  12.for pleasure ____________

  13.without delay ____________

  14.on the increase ____________

  15.at full speed ____________

  16.in favour of ____________

  17.in need(of) ____________


1.However,most trains to London only went to the outer city limits,because __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ would have damaged many old