2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修1Unit1 学案GRAMMAR
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修1Unit1 学案GRAMMAR第3页

silent for long periods of time, they will do their best to include you in their conversation. However, if they disagree with what you 4. ________ (say), they remain quiet. It only 5. ________ (mean) that they consider it impolite to argue further.



A. 1. comes 2. sleeps 3. is singing; sings

4. is waiting 5. is; knows

B. 1. is 2. are talking 3. lasts

4. are saying / have said 5. means



1. will / shall +动词原形


 I'll tell you everything next time.

 You will be all right soon.


 Flowers will die without water.

 Every Saturday they will play football together.


 The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.

2. be going to +动词原形


 -Why are you putting on those old clothes?

 -I'm going to paint the kitchen.


 Look at the black cloud. It's going to rain.

3. be +不定式