
Step1: Warmer



(1) 复习形容词:nice, clever, naughty, shy

fat-thin / tall -short

(2)复习家庭成员单词:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister.

(3)T:Boys and girls, let's say a chant, ok?

3、Play a game. - 接龙游戏

Step2: Presentation

(1) Lead in-呈现新单词

T: 同学们,Panpan 正要把自己的家庭成员介绍给大家,大家可以去认识他们。听过Panpan的介绍,小朋友们也可以试着介绍一下自己的家庭成员。Hello, children. I'm your friend Panpan. I'm a bit fat and very clever. Today, I'd like to introduce you my family. Look, this my father. He's very tall and he's very clever.This is my mother . She's very nice. This is my big brother . He's cool.(引出课题:Unit2 He's cool. )This is my little sister. She's cute.(老师戴头饰扮演Panpan)


(1)T:Boys and girls, let's play another game-'Do as I say, not as I do',ok?




T:Now, let's play another game,ok?


(Including these words: naughty,shy,clever,nice cool,cute.)

e.g.S1:Are you naughty?

S2:No,I am not.(S2在S1身后做shy的动作)

S1:Are you shy?

S2:Yes,I am.(S2在S1身后做shy的动作 )


(1) 听课文录音,全班同学跟读课文。

(2) 全班朗读课文。

(3) 讲解课文。

(4) 教师说课文的人物,学生说出该人物的对应的形容词。

T:Panpan's father. S1:He's very clever.

T:Panpan's mother. S2:She's very nice.

T:Panpan's big brother. S3: He's cool.

T:Panpan's little sister. S4: She's cute.

T:Panpan's friend. S5: He's very naughty.

Step 5.Producation

(1) Introduce my family/friends: 介绍家人或朋友.让学生带来家人或朋友的照片/图画,向全班或组员介绍.(e.g. S1: Look!This is my family. This is my father.He is very nice. This is my mother. She is a bit fat and very clever. This is my big brother . He's cool. )

2) Say the poem.

This is a little girl,

And she has a little curl.

And when she is good,

she is very ,very good.

And when she is bad,

she is very,very bad!

P.S.一边跺脚一边用愤怒的语气大声说: "very,very bad",微笑着用温柔的语气说: "very ,very good",同时竖起大拇指等。


T: Time is up. Class is over. See you next time.

Ss: See you.

T: Have a super nice day!


1、 听磁带朗读课文20分钟,家长签字。

2、 抄写单词:cool,little,cute.

3、 制作好友像册:用一张空白的纸,在左侧贴上一张好友的照片或画一张像,在右侧写出好友的名字,并用简单的句子对好友的性格,外形进行描述,例如:"She's a nice girl. She's very tall."等。



利用情景操练句型,用游戏来激发学生自主学习的意识,培养学生小组合作能力,指导学生综合运用语言的能力。 教学反思   这节课促进了师生情感和谐发展。比如,课堂的Review变成了形式新颖的chant,教学设计中少了机械操作的游戏,更多地引导学生连贯流利地用英语表达他们的思想。